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I even slept on my side without a pillow.It can still be used as a body pillow after graduation. My baby is still carrying one of the Laras pillows when traveling. I don’t have a bumper bed when traveling, so I thought it would be better to have it fixed than roll around. And strangely enough, she slept better?The time of graduation varies from baby to baby, but in general, it seems like a lot of people graduate after four to six months of flipping! After flipping, rolling around and sleeping is helpful for muscle development. In some cases, babies escape and graduate on their own, but my baby was a good night’s sleep only with Laras. So I was worried about how I would graduate. How to graduate Lalas PillowIf that doesn’t work out, then there’s a way to get rid of them all at once. If that doesn’t work out, I’ve been thinking about doing it, too. Because the baby is more adaptable than I thought, I haven’t gotten rid of them yet. You look like a baby angel in your sleepDEAR ABBY: My baby has been using a las pillow since she was about 50. It’s been a great help to us since then. She adjusted quickly and looked comfortable sleeping. Thanks to that, she also slept with me pretty early on. My baby went to sleep 100 days ago. The review of the las pillow I wrote is in the link below.But there were downsides, too. When I started flipping, and I became stronger, I escaped from my pillow. Then I kept waking up. Then I’d wake up with my mom and dad at dawnAnother thing I’m grateful for for is the Laras pillow, it made me sleep well, but my head shape became really pretty.Peekaboo Pond1. Remove the lalas pillow and use only one side. 2. The rest of the pillow supports the back. 3. Gradually adjust. 4. Sleep without using the other side.So I decided to let him graduate gradually! Start using Laras pillow after graduationThe Laras pillow graduation method is to separate the pillow. This is how I started graduating, and I think a lot of people use it.Babies can adapt faster than you think. My baby slept well again in a few days!! He rolled around and slept on his stomach because there were no pillows.I wake up so often at first….maybe having a snug pillow at the back helped me get a good night’s sleep. Aunt Laras…In this way, I finally succeeded in graduating from Laras pillow!Are you breathing…?My baby had a really flat back of his head. I think sleeping on his side really helped him a lot because he sleeps a lot. Check out the head care post in the link below!I escaped at dawn and woke up, so I was playing like this.It’s a product that can be used from a newborn, but compared to the size of a newborn, the pillow is big, so it’s not easy to use at that time. If you look at the reviews, it seems that people use it a lot after the newborn period. I think I picked out the mulberry from the 50th to the 200th!Baby Pretty Head Making Project Successful: From a newborn conehead to a round head, the golden age of the correction of the head, Rabikit, Ninopillow, Laras pillow, and BBBBBB Mok Cushion Pond were born naturally. Even before giving birth to a so-called conehead, which is common in newborns with natural delivery, coneheads…blog.naver.comLaras Pillow Snake Mash 6 Months Post-Use Baby Head Care and Sleeping Care. Laras Pillow is one of the most satisfying parenting items! Actually, I’m still using it well, but I’m already worried about graduating… blog.naver.comFor those of you who are worried about graduating from Laras, the baby will sleep without a pillow after getting used to it.

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